Thursday 1 March 2012

PBL: baby bruce

reformulation: a 8-month baby boy, named bruce , has been getting a lots of bruise since he started crawling two month ago. he was diagnose to have haemophillia A and is treated with plasma-derived factor VIII.

we just finish our very first PBL for this sem title baby bruce, where a baby had got a lot of bruise since he started crawling two months ago. The picture given had showed that the bruise is more likely located at the lower limb to be specific at the knee joint. On answer why it is located in there because it is the big weight wearing joint, since the baby was started crawling. Of course it can be at the other parts as well.

Talk about haemostasis that is related to haemophilia, i want to highlight about the pathway that occur during the blood clotting. This disease occur when there are deficiency or absent of factor VIII, which lead to the disability of blood to clot properly. If you realize during haemostasis, we have learned that there are extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. The factor VIII is basically in intrinsic pathway. 
why the blood is unable to clot where there is extrinsic pathway that can clot the blood ?
it is because in reality, both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways are help each other for blood clotting. so, it is need for both pathways to occur in order to clot the blood.

brief explaination about haemophillia, it is a genetic X-linked recessive inheritance disease, where there are higher risk for male to be affected. 
the severity of the haemophillia is depends on the type of the mutations occur. example, nonsense mutation are more likely to cause severe haemophillia while missense mutation can give result of the mild haemophillia.

I think thats all that is need to be shared :). 
of course banyak lagi yang penting, but i believed that all of you have the answer.
here only some infomation that i think need to be share.

till then people, see u.

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