Thursday 1 March 2012


"wearing a helmet when driving. It is important to protect your head. "

PBL: baby bruce

reformulation: a 8-month baby boy, named bruce , has been getting a lots of bruise since he started crawling two month ago. he was diagnose to have haemophillia A and is treated with plasma-derived factor VIII.

we just finish our very first PBL for this sem title baby bruce, where a baby had got a lot of bruise since he started crawling two months ago. The picture given had showed that the bruise is more likely located at the lower limb to be specific at the knee joint. On answer why it is located in there because it is the big weight wearing joint, since the baby was started crawling. Of course it can be at the other parts as well.

Talk about haemostasis that is related to haemophilia, i want to highlight about the pathway that occur during the blood clotting. This disease occur when there are deficiency or absent of factor VIII, which lead to the disability of blood to clot properly. If you realize during haemostasis, we have learned that there are extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. The factor VIII is basically in intrinsic pathway. 
why the blood is unable to clot where there is extrinsic pathway that can clot the blood ?
it is because in reality, both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways are help each other for blood clotting. so, it is need for both pathways to occur in order to clot the blood.

brief explaination about haemophillia, it is a genetic X-linked recessive inheritance disease, where there are higher risk for male to be affected. 
the severity of the haemophillia is depends on the type of the mutations occur. example, nonsense mutation are more likely to cause severe haemophillia while missense mutation can give result of the mild haemophillia.

I think thats all that is need to be shared :). 
of course banyak lagi yang penting, but i believed that all of you have the answer.
here only some infomation that i think need to be share.

till then people, see u.

Monday 20 February 2012

hello second sem!

HELLO :) !!

we are now already in the second semester. today is our first day for this semester. everyone had got their result and congratulations to all of you! try hard for this semester and keep improve our learning guys. for who are not pass just don't give up! you have another chance and keep trust to your ability ok :)

congratulations to Azrul as our new head for BBA first year. congrates to other new AJK as well. hope our batch will be the excellent one!

and of course this semester will be more hard than the first one. already got the new time table and everything was pack. keep study smart and make a study group as it is important ; by Dr. Azlin. i'm looking for my study group too ;) . 

rasa penat nak tulis english. adoi . sorry tapi malay jugak penting untuk communicate dengan patient kn? ahaha. salah lah azrul suruh saya buat benda ni sebab saye akan banyak merepek. ok, last but not least, good luck to all my friend and jangan tangguh-tangguh study ok. 

salam, nabila.

just share, and of course fighting! 

Saturday 4 February 2012

Some moments to be appreciated

......Berpanas terikan di tepi pantai bersama seniors....

.....Price giving for Liga Antara Tahun and Kembara Medik 2012.....

...Mengenali seniors and juniors and getting to know each other better and try to fix urselves wif ur buddylines...

>>>>>>>>>>all these pics credited to Mr Photographer n so sorry for making u into trouble uploading all these pics.... ngeee... Inche' Malek, my labmates<<<<<<<<<<<<

Saturday 14 January 2012

curi dari blog induk PERSIAP

Best of luck to all my dearest frens, hopefully all of us will pass the examinations so no need to reseat or no repeat. if possible no repeat snce we still want to be together for next yr all these 201 students rite?
^_^ selamat maju jaya semua... ^_^

wat an awesome and tiring event

8pm-12 am : Annual General Meeting PERSIAP.

Don't play3! This meeting is rarely often happen to me for such this duration. so long. feel so tired but i knw that's only medium for them to voice out any difficulties and anything that burden them all this while (.. so sorry my english was not so good..)

The committee members of PERSIAP were deadly attacked by killer questions.. uah... erm... sangat2lah rugi sesiapa yang tak attend memang mcam dkat parlimen dah!

One of the most important issues told by a senior is doctors complaining that preclinical students,lots of us like to skip class. WHY???????? Prof Shahrir said that this is such an obligations for us. as for muslims this is taklifan/tanggungjawab/amanah yang kelak kita akan dipersoalkan di akhirat! so, like PPD class, why must some of u escape this class? is it bcoz this class do cut ur beneficial time for study? but let's think. if the class were not attended by anyone, then who's going to be there for lecturers? if u skip class, means that u do not respect that lecturers. they also got workload to do,but why they still can come and teach us even just to teach us about attitudes and attributes? bcoz they feel responsible. do respect them. be a responsible person. From all this, will help us to be a more disciplined person. if u find it's hard for now, how will u be during ur HO? got lot of on-call know?

Someone asked for a better interaction day. this interaction day will lead to a merrier Warisan Mesra annual dinner. And lots of them were really upset for Warisan Mesra. wif the MC, the foods, the service, the decorations, the management of events. but, have u ever concerned about u? about urselves. R u really contributing to PERSIAP? erm... not really much i guess.. if they create an event, we simply ignore it with excuses like 'need to study', 'waste of time'.. how can we improve quality of PERSIAP?

I know, from committee members explanation, i can see that, they r bit of lacking in something. They always 'tersilap pandang'. But they need to know, people expecting for a superb organisation to held amazing superb extraordinary events to attract all members. However, we still cn't put all the blame on them. we need to reflects ourselves in mirror and asked whether we'd really contributing something for PERSIAP all dis while bfore we want to 'singkap kesalahan orang lain and tuding ke arah mereka sahaja'.

We have to have a good and healthy relationship with our peers, seniors and lecturers. We have to get along with seniors. If i asked u either u can tell me o not 5seniors from each year? aiyo... me myself also cannot do that since less communications with them.

so PERSIAP really need to organise an event that can 'tie' us up...

My dear friends, me, PA'IN, would like to seek for apologize if i didn't do my work properly. Sebab jarang nak update korang dengan events terkini and jarang buat iklan atau commercial promo kat blog ni. I.A lepas ni blog ni akan lebih aktif dengan lebih byk updates n events mendatang.

Pray for PERSIAP's success in 'menjaga kebajikan and akademik' medical students

*specially credited to FAIZ NASRON n SAGSHAFRAA for being elected and selected winning the election without 'bertanding' representing UKM KCKL for new committee members of PERSIAP.

Friday 13 January 2012

long time ago

End of module 4! Final exam just around d corner... Long time no updates for this blog. Sorry3...
Had been busy all dis while...

Now, all need to prepare very well for final. Let bygone be bygone and let's make folders in our brain!

Tomorrow after i reach home, i'll update this blog wif some pics kindly related to our previous events,

Btw, hope dat all of us, medical student will attending all PERSIAP's events like the adviser of PERSIAP told us, "Gelapnya PERSIAP kerana gelapnya ahli2nya" ... so, don't be choosy. We r ONE n UNITY! We need to support each other and by attending events, we can know each other very well since we'll be together for upcoming 5years by God's will...