Thursday 6 October 2011

Hari Interaksi Persiap BBA

Assalamualaikum n a very gud night to all,

So, it's over. Yet i think we r so fortunate unlike other facs,,, dorangnya hari interaksi bukan interaksi tapi minggu, plus mcm kne buli dh dengan seniors... nseb baik seniors medic baik2... smua pakat study je.. hahaha.. takdelah.. our interaction day very simple n short n it was fascinating. as we those playing indoors game got such a cheerful environment wif d presence of dat senior wif cardigan acting like 'lady gaga'... hahaha... others have to act according to their balloon that has been 'letupkan' n got the task in it.. chicken dance, jalan itik, dancing like michael jackson, laugh for minutes, acting like karate n tae kwan do, propose to senior, sing patriotic song, sing kids song n so on n so forth...

Then, outdoor games, got explorace wif how many check points, i don't even know. Some of them need to be model, got IQ test, solve puzzle, throwing n catching ballon if lost need to drink 'chilli juice' n eat red chilli,buy a can of water bring them fingerlessly n drink the canned drink on that time n lot more....

At last,, all got prizes,, consolation prizes then followed by 2nd runner up goes to PBL8, 1st runner-up goes to BBA 2nd year leader's grup PBL4,, n the winner is PBL3...

so, wat do we get from this interaction day?
having fun, get to know each other better n be interactive.. plus, b4 'perasmian' prof gave us some lecture that mke me feel like we r  in parliament,, debating n arguing.. hahaha...

last but not least, appreciate ur frens, buddies, n seniors... hve gud day! ~

PBL 8 : from left - ling,ash,rekha,pa'in,yun,amirah,azrul...
our senior buddies willingly to give that hamper to us... ^^

consolation prizes n credited to Fizah for d background

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