Saturday 5 November 2011

Exam's coming over!

Assalamualaikum n morning everyone..

So, few days ago, the list n the result hve been pasted on the board. So how was it?
=D delightful, =( feeling bad, =.= feelingless

Then, i think, like wat lecturers hve taught us to do,, let us be like wat we'd been saying to Din/Dina in our previous SGD session.

For those who'd failed, dun worry, it's not over yet! move on n keep on going. Still got OSPE n final exam.. It's just that u need more hard work.

For those who'd pass with flying colours, so, don't be too cruel. share ur knowledge wif others, help other frens. We r a family!

As i'd been informed, for final marks, if we failed more than 3ppers, we cnnot reseat the paper but need to repeat year... so, it's quite tough starting this yr. so, let's us help each others so dat all of us can pass the frst yr n no one will be repeating year of study...

So, Upcoming 14th of Nov we r going to hve another exam : EOM module2(tissues of body).. so,, do mke well preparation (.... advice fr myself too.... )

In nutshell, ALL D BEST BUDDIES!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Sweet memories of US

Assalamualaikum n gud evening all,,,,

Ini gambar yang diambil dari PERSIAP BBA TAHUN SATU  gak sebenarnya.. so, wnna mke it enlarge just click on the image ok... Sweet memories for sem1.. ingat kata Pak Lah? This is for our moral support, if some of us feels so depressed n wanna quit from being a medical student so,, spend ur time staring at these photos n somehow u'll feel regret if u leave this field.. hahaha... so, keep on going! n don't ever think of step away from our field, our so-called dream n ambition snce childhood... ^_^
Gaya nak kena terkam dengan ketua BBA Tahun 1 lah ni 
ni gaya terkujat n sayang kawan pulok dah

gambar formal tade ke????

Thursday 6 October 2011

Hari Interaksi Persiap BBA

Assalamualaikum n a very gud night to all,

So, it's over. Yet i think we r so fortunate unlike other facs,,, dorangnya hari interaksi bukan interaksi tapi minggu, plus mcm kne buli dh dengan seniors... nseb baik seniors medic baik2... smua pakat study je.. hahaha.. takdelah.. our interaction day very simple n short n it was fascinating. as we those playing indoors game got such a cheerful environment wif d presence of dat senior wif cardigan acting like 'lady gaga'... hahaha... others have to act according to their balloon that has been 'letupkan' n got the task in it.. chicken dance, jalan itik, dancing like michael jackson, laugh for minutes, acting like karate n tae kwan do, propose to senior, sing patriotic song, sing kids song n so on n so forth...

Then, outdoor games, got explorace wif how many check points, i don't even know. Some of them need to be model, got IQ test, solve puzzle, throwing n catching ballon if lost need to drink 'chilli juice' n eat red chilli,buy a can of water bring them fingerlessly n drink the canned drink on that time n lot more....

At last,, all got prizes,, consolation prizes then followed by 2nd runner up goes to PBL8, 1st runner-up goes to BBA 2nd year leader's grup PBL4,, n the winner is PBL3...

so, wat do we get from this interaction day?
having fun, get to know each other better n be interactive.. plus, b4 'perasmian' prof gave us some lecture that mke me feel like we r  in parliament,, debating n arguing.. hahaha...

last but not least, appreciate ur frens, buddies, n seniors... hve gud day! ~

PBL 8 : from left - ling,ash,rekha,pa'in,yun,amirah,azrul...
our senior buddies willingly to give that hamper to us... ^^

consolation prizes n credited to Fizah for d background

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Hari Interaksi 2011

Hari Interaksi 2011

Tempat : DK4
Tarikh : 30 September 2011
Waktu : 2.30-5.30 p.m.
Pakaian : baju sukan KTSN warna merah tu ye

Datang awal kot sebab akan ada pendaftaran. Sebar2kanlah ye. Yang tahu, aritu second year students akan pakai baju persiap... silalah membezakan senior dan batch kite ye.. jgn men approach diorang suke2 je.. gne 'title' yg ssuai k..

Monday 26 September 2011


Assalamualaikum n a very gud afternnon,

Bayaran untuk Pelajar Perubatan Tahun1 (compulsory!)

Baju Persiap : RM25
Baju Liga : RM25
Modul : RM10
Yuran Hari Interaksi : RM3
Name tag : RM10

Total : RM73

Perlu diingatkan kepada kalian semua, pelajar perubatan Tahun 1, payment seperti di atas wajib dibayar kepada Ketua2 PBL yang kemudiannya akan diserahkan kepada bendahari Aen Saari. By this Thursday. Kalau ada masalah bolehlah hubungi AJK Kebajikan ye.

Sunday 25 September 2011


Assalamualaikum n a very gud evening to all,

Minggu Pengenalan Persatuan & Kelab KTSN
Tempat : DSG,KTSN
Tarikh : 26-27 September 2011 (isnin dan selasa)
Masa : 8-11 p.m.
Matlamat : membuka ruang kepada pelajar baru dan pelajar lama menyertai pelbagai kelab dan persatuan dari dalam dan luar KTSN. Pelbagai kelab dan persatuan menyediakan aktiviti2 menarik buat bakal2 ahlinya. Jangan lepaskan peluang kerana program ini hanya setahun sekali!

So, all my buddies, make sure u all participate in this programme. It's fr our own good. I know that most of us used to be a gud person in societies or in any club. So, what if we let ourselves join any societies or clubs n show our talent, prove to others that we r not a 'nerdy' person.. We can socialise wif others at the same time focus n commited to our studies. Don't hide our real personalities. Show to them n mke them proud wif us.. Plus, we are multi-tasking students rite? Remember what the dean had said during previous PPD camp? But my advice, do make a gud choice since we got lot of societies.. Kalau tak percaya, tengok jelah kan bawah pintu bilik,masuk2 aje ade kertas2 mini tertulis nama2 persatuan.. Then? Don't sign up for so many societies till then u also can't manage ur own schedule, ur own lives, at last give up n out of the university.. Don't!!!!  Ok? So, best of luck for tomorrow n the day after tomorrow. Oh yeah! forgot one thing, remember that we need to obtain as many merits as we can if u all still want to stay in KTSN1 lorh... ^_^

yang ni... smua medical student WAJIB join...
jangan lupa datang ke kaunter/booth ni ye buddies?

~just a beginning of a new life~

hey there!

We are so fortunate to be selected as one of medical students at UKM. So, how do u feel after being a week as a medical student? Do u think that medical is really tough? hahaha.. but actually u cn't simply say anything without knowing the real world of medical student. It's just the beginning of our journey. Keep on going and face all the obstacles with determination n do have motivation n high spirit within us..

So, welcome to medicine faculty of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. And let us be unity n help each other especially in study. Don't be racist and plis b united as we'd say it out loud that we want to graduate all 201 students together on 2016.. so, let us be professional n do commited in our study.

Our aim : in 5years ahead, we r going to be entitled as Medical Doctor n graduate together..